Voici le communiqu� de presse que GRASP a envoy� suite au d�sistement de Charest. Merci � tous les camarades qui se sont d�plac�s.

For Immediate Release: Charest Fearful of Quebec Student Movement


February 9, 2005


McGill Campus, Montreal. Students from McGill and other Montreal universities had planned to converge today to give a message to Premier Jean Charest: You�re not welcome at our schools.


It has come to the attention of organizers that Charest has cancelled at the last minute. It is clear that, in the wake of disruption at previous events, Charest is fearful of the Quebec student movement. He should be: students will resist and act against his cuts to education and other social service sectors.


The public demonstration to be held at the Roddick Gates (Sherbrooke and McGill College) at 4PM sharp will continue to be held. The group will then move to the premier�s office instead of up to the health conference.


This statement was to be read at the resistance:


Mr. Charest, you are not welcome here!

We, the students of McGill University and from across Montreal are here to assert our right to a public and fully accessible post-secondary education � a right Premier Charest has been trying to deny. While 40% of Quebec students are in need of financial aid, Mr. Charest has cut $103 million from the loans and bursaries program, leading to a 62% increase in student debt which now on average exceeds $20, 000.

We stand here in solidarity with all those opposed to cuts to social programs and the so-called �re-engineering� scheme. Mr. Charest, as long as you continue to spit on Quebec society, we will spit right back at you and your government. As long as you spit on education, you are not welcome here or at any other university.

Mr. Charest, nous sommes fatigues de vos attaques sur la paix sociale. S�il vous plait, foutez le camp! Charest, dehors!


We consider the premier�s cancellation a victory for the Quebec student movement. He is not welcome on our campuses.



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Phillipe Morin (French): 514-817-5181 (cell)

Lazar Konforti (English): 514-603-9949 (cell)

The Charest Welcoming Committee, Hosted by GRASP McGill

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