Voici une offre d'emploi pour la Dawson Student Union (DSU), une association
naissante qui se fait mettre des b�tons dans les roues � tour de bras par
une administration r�calcitrante. Il est clair que l'apport d'une personne
vers�e dans le syndicalisme �tudiant de combat serait un atout pour cette
jeune association, particuli�rement de gens au courant ou m�me ayant v�cu la
situation presque identique de Saint-J�r�me il y a un peu plus d'un an. Le
message original mentionne que la date butoir �tait dimanche dernier mais
comme l'ex�cutif de DSU ne s'est pas encore rencontr�, il semble qu'il ne
soit pas trop tard pour faire parvenir son CV. Toutefois, chaque seconde
compte alors faites vite!
Philippe Gauvin,
secr�taire aux relations externes de l'ASS�
From: Melanie Hotchkiss <melanierosehotchkiss(a)>
Subject: (act-mtl) DSU job opportunity, please re-post!!!
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 01:23:59 -0700 (PDT)
*******Please re-post and distribute widely*********
My name is Melanie Hotchkiss and I am the President of
the Dawson Student Union. As some of you may know,
we've been in an ongoing court/political fight with
the administration of Dawson College in an attempt to
force them to return over $285,000 in student money
which they have illegally frozen.
We are currently hiring a full time employee for the
position of Office Coordinator/Director of Campaigns
and our primary means of advertising this position is
through the student movement so please, take a moment
and send this job posting on to any and all lists or
individuals who you think might be interested.
If you are interested in the position please act
quickly, the deadline is this Sunday.
All the information can be found in the attached job
description but in case the attachment is missing you
can get in touch with me for more information.
My cell is (514) 812-7488 and our e-mail is
Thank you so much for your help in advertising this
In solidarity,
*******Please re-post and distribute widely*********
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