Une forme de solidarité provenant de É-U!

Begin forwarded message:

Hello Rouge Squad members! 

This is Kimber Heinz again with War Resisters League in New York City--we're the group working on the campaign to ban tear gas, including tear gas made by Defense Technologies, which has been used against strikers in Québec.

Just wanted to share with you some info about a solidarity action that we're planning for August 13 to support the beginning of the "back to school" protests in Montréal.

We're going to be targeting Defense Technologies, releasing information about tear gas that's been used against strikers in Québec and other movements in recent years (including about a successful past action against DT) and asking US supporters to flood the phone lines of Defense Technologies about their sales to state forces in Québec.

If we created a graphic about the phone-in day in the US, would you be interested in perhaps spreading it among your social networks (FB, Twitter, email, etc.) to let people on your end know about the action? We're hoping that this may be one concrete way of being in solidarity with the protests (for those of us who can't be there in person).

Let me know what you think when you get a chance. I am also reaching out to the Collective Opposed to Police Brutality and to the Montréal medics team.

All my best,


Kimber J. Heinz

Organizing Coordinator 

War Resisters League

339 Lafayette Street

New York, NY 10012

phone: 212.228.0450 x12

fax: 212.228.6193



“The War Resisters League affirms that war is a crime against humanity. 

We therefore are determined not to support any kind of war, 

international or civil, and to strive nonviolently for the removal of all causes of war, including racism, sexism and all forms of exploitation.”

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