La Liberal Arts Society a adopté les mandats suivants en assemblée générale: (traduction partielle, version complète en anglais ci-dessous)


Que le LAS soit en grève du lundi 2 novembre au dimanche 8 novembre;

Que le LAS s’engage à coopérer avec les autres associations étudiantes qui ont un mandat de grève sur le campus;

Que le LAS appelle l’administration et la faculté de Concordia à prendre des actions plus proactives contre les mesures d’austérité présentes et futures, et à travailler en solidarité avec les actions démocratiques étudiantes plutôt que contre elles;

Que le LAS participe à la manifestation du 5 novembre;

Que le LAS tienne une assemblée générale pour discuter d’un éventuel renouvellement le 5 novembre.


Que le LAS tienne une assemblée générale de grève advenant que l’administration de Concordia presse des mesures disciplinaires contre des étudiants et étudiantes pour avoir fait respecter les mandats de leur association;


Que, nonobstant le précédent paragraphe, le LAS tienne une assemblée générale de grève advenant le cas que des charges disciplinaires soient adoptées contre les étudiantes et étudiants pour leurs activités de grève d’avril 2015.



Que le LAS tienne une assemblée générale de grève advenant qu’une association étudiante à Concordia ou un syndicat représentant des employés et employées de Concordia ait un mandat de grève ou annonce un vote de grève.



Whereas the Quebec governments has implemented repeatedly austerity measures over the past years;

Whereas the Liberal Arts Society has taken a stance against these austerity measures;

Whereas Quebec’s universities have lost about $400 million in provincial grants, representing a drop of nearly 15% of their operating budget;[1]

Whereas Concordia University has been forced to absorb $36.6 million in cuts since the 2012-13 academic year;1

Whereas as the result of the above, Concordia University is running an $8.2 million deficit, has left un uncommunicated number of positions vacant or closed them altogether, and has since implemented a Voluntary Departure Program with 90 voluntary departures, resulting in 65 positions being cut;1

Whereas as the result of the above, Concordia University has implemented an undisclosed reduction in courses selection, has increased the class size, and has reduced faculty resources for students;1

Whereas student associations and unions across Quebec representing workers from the health, the education, and the public sectors at large,  have enforced and declared strike actions for the fall 2015,

Whereas student associations are holding strike general assemblies throughout Quebec;
Whereas the Liberal Arts Society recognizes the need for transparent and open discussions around austerity measures and budget cuts, alongside standing in solidarity with faculty, workers, and other student associations who suffer austerity measures and budget cuts within the education sector.
Whereas the Liberal Arts Society acknowledges the right to education and the importance in taking steps including but not limited to strike mandates, open discussion, mediation and solidarity to resist budget cuts to their education.


Be it resolved that the Liberal Arts Society will be on strike from November 2nd, 12:01 AM to November 8th, 11:59PM, 2015;

Be it further resolved that as result of this mandate, the Liberal Arts Society officially engages in cooperation and coordination with the associations that have a strike mandate on campus, in order to organize events such as, but not restricted to, direct actions, teach-ins, or skill-sharing workshops;

Be it further resolved that as a result of this mandate, the Liberal Arts Society asks the Faculty of the Liberal Arts College to be supportive of the Association’s decision, and that it acts in a spirit of solidarity;

Be it further resolved that the Liberal Arts Society calls on the Concordia administration and faculty to take more proactive actions against current and future austerity measures, and to work in solidarity rather than against the students democratic actions;
Be it further resolved that in voting in favour of striking, the Liberal Arts Society students emphatically support the Manifestation Nationale organized by the Association pour une Solidarité Syndicale Étudiante (ASSÉ) on November 5th;

Be it further resolved that as result of this mandate, all Western Society and Culture classes within the effective dates will be disrupted, that professors will be faced with a picket line in front of their classes and that students will be reminded of the present mandate upon entering the college;

Be it further resolved that a Special General Assembly be called on Thursday, November 5th, 2015, to discuss the potential renewal of the strike.[Adopted October 15, 2015]



Whereas the Liberal Arts Society considers the use of student tribunal against students who voluntarily enforced a democratic mandate of their association as an oppressive judicial tactic which prejudices based on political engagement;


Be it resolved that the Liberal Arts Society holds a Strike General Assembly in the event that the Concordia administration lays charges against students for their enforcement of a democratic mandate of their association;

Be it further resolved that notwithstanding the above, the Liberal Arts Society holds a Strike General Assembly in the event that the charges against the students for their activities at the occasion of the April 1st, 2015 day of strike are upheld.  [Adopted October 15, 2015]



WHEREAS the Quebec Liberal Government continues to implement austerity policies; WHEREAS the quality of the services and of the education provided by the university is negatively affected by these budget cuts;

WHEREAS the working conditions of the university’s employees are also affected by these budget cuts, and this directly impacts the quality of the education provided;

WHEREAS solidarity between student associations and/or labour unions is instrumental in increasing the means of pressure;

WHEREAS the LAS took an anti-austerity mandate in the winter of 2015.


BE IT RESOLVED that if any labour union representing employees from Concordia University or any student association from Concordia University has a strike mandate, or announces a strike vote, the Liberal Arts Society mandates its executive to organize a strike general assembly within ten (10) juridical days. [Adopted October 1, 2015]




[1] Gene Morrow, CSU. Austerity at Concordia – A Primer. 2015. Montreal.