Free Education Supports Your Concordia

Over the last two years Free Education Montreal has fought tuition increases, and the privatization and marketization of higher education, in board rooms, in the hallways, and in the streets.

That is why Free Education Montreal strongly supports Your Concordia, and independent candidates Alex Matak and Kelly Pennington. We have worked with these people, and come to know them: they are the real thing. They deliver what they promise, and they have never let us down - in fact, they have been the people that we have to live up to because they do such a good job. Without them, the WHALE would not have been the amazing success that it was, and students would not be half as aware of the important issues we're facing this coming year, or half as involved as the 1,000 people who turned out behond the Hall building on a truly miserable day - the largest turnout in Concordia's entire history! Th! ere is never a question of integrity: they say what they mean, and they mean what they say. They have been with us for the long haul: they did not just suddenly appear on the scene at election time. And they certainly aren't in it for the money or fame: they do the work without taking credit simply because it's important.

If you want people who will make Concordia proud, then it's up to you to get out and vote!  Support the people who really care about students, student issues, and doing the right thing.

On March 29, 30, and 31 get out and vote! And when you do -- vote for Your Concordia.