no. 415 November 2010

Upcoming Activities
Free Education Montreal Meeting
Mon. 4:00pm
15 Nov. 2010
GSA House
2030 Mackay

This is the regular FEM Coordination meeting. All are welcome - students and non-students. Traduction disponible.
Just Ask!
Wed. 5:00pm
17 Nov. 2010
CSU Lounge
7th Floor
Hall Building
1455 de Maisonneuve O.

More info in the right column ->
L’université pour tout le monde
Wed. 5:00pm
25 Nov. 2010
200 Sherbrooke O.

Journée nationale de réflexion du 25 novembre
Tel que prévu, la TPU organise le 25 novembre prochain un événement intitulé: L’université pour tout le monde: journée nationale de réflexion sur l’université québécoise. Des événements similaires auront lieu simultanément, en vidéoconférence, dans les campus suivants: l’UQAC (Chicoutimi), l’UQAR (Rimouski), l’UQAT (Abitibi-Témiscamingue), l’UQO (Outaouais), l’UQTR (Trois-Rivières), l’Université Laval et l’Université de Sherbrooke. L’événement sera gratuit et ouvert à tous et toutes.

Voici l’horaire préliminaire de la journée:
9h00: Accueil
9h15- 9h30: Discours d'ouverture donné par une délégation de la TPU.
9h30-11h00: Conférence d'ouverture sur la mission des universités par Gilles Gagné (UL) et Robert Laplante (IREC)
11h00-11h15: Pause-café – Conférences de presses partout au Québec de lancement du manifeste
11h15-12h15: Ateliers aux choix (Mission des universités, financement universitaire, conditions de travail en milieu universitaire)
12h15-14h00: Dîner
14h-15h15: Ateliers aux choix (Accessibilité aux études, gouvernance, l'enseignement et la recherche)
15h15-15h30: Pause-café
15h30-17h: Conférence et plénière de clôture (bilan et perspectives) avec Guy Rocher
Bernans on Con U Inc 

During ASFA’s ‘Ask Why’ week, come ask why about Tuition Increase, Bottled Water, Corporate Influence on campus and anything else you can think of!

Where: CSU Lounge, Henry F. Hall Building, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve, 7th floor – Metro Guy-Concordia (map)

When: 5:00pm to 8:00pm Wednesday 17 November 2010


Tuition 202
The continuation of Tuition 101 from October...

A Q&A with Martin Robert (Research Committee of ASSE) & Rodd! y Doucet (Advocacy Manager of the GSA)

Keynote Speaker:
David Bernans
Con U Inc: How Your Fee Increases Keep Corporations in the Black.

In 2001, the Concordia Student Union published a book written by David Bernans, the union’s very own Researcher/Archivist. The book was called Con U Inc: Privatization, Marketization and Globalization at Concordia University (and beyond).

Con U Inc contrasts Concordia’s claim to offer public education and research in the public interest with the reality of an institution whose campus increasin! gly resembles a shopping mall, whose students are increasingly! treated as “customers” and “human resources” and whose corporate partners increasingly influence research and even curriculum, using public resources for private gain.

Dr. Bernans will discuss developments that have taken place at Concordia in the decade since Con U Inc was published. In what ways have private interests succeeded in remaking the university in their corporate image? What strategies have been used to resist privatization and how successful has such resistance been? And most importantly, what is the way forward? Come and participate in the discussion about the past and the future of your university.

Post-Talk Libation

 After the talk, continue to Ask Why over Beer with Bernans at Reggie’s!

*Organized by Free Education Montreal (FEM) with ! the Arts and Science Federation of Associations (ASFA)

Britain Protests

Universities in Britain are under attack by neo-liberals - "austerity" measures, fee hikes, funding cuts, and an unprecedented attack on the humanities have inspired the largest student protests Britain has seen in more than a generation. 50,000 people turned out to tell the British government that they will not accept the destruction of the British university system without a fight.

In our own struggles against the Quebec government's plans to privatize and reverse the gains of the Quiet Revolution, we should remember that the neo-liberal program is a worldwide movement, affecting people everywhere, and that we are not alone!
Some background: If you some more general background on how neo-liberals and conservatives want to transform the world, check out:

Adam Curtis - The Trap: What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom
Part 1 - F**k You Buddy
Part 2 - The Lonely Robot
Part 3 - We Will Force You To be Free
David Harvey - A Brief History of Neoliberalism (YouTube but audio only)

International Student Movement
Global Day of Action - 17 November 2010

November 17th marks the "International Students' Day". Details on the history behind that day check out wikipedia, International Union of Students and/or youtube.

November 17th will also be a highlight of the "Global Wave of Action for Education", which kicked off on October 7th and already saw massive protests for free education in Austria, Italy, the Ukraine and U.S.A. among others.

The international "joint statement", which is the result of monthslong discussions, is the basis for united protests for that day, just like it is the basis for the "Global Wave" as a whole.

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