Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

L'ASSÉ a récemment envoyé une lettre de solidarité au mouvement The New University à l'Université d'Amsterdam, aux Pays-Bas, suite à l'occupation de deux pavillons en réponse à des coupures annoncées et contre la dérive autoritaire et managériale de l'administration de l'université.

Vous pouvez lire sur les enjeux ici: et ici 

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Voici la lettre qui a été envoyée:




To the New University occupying the Maagdenhuis at the University of Amsterdam (UvA),

The Association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante (ASSÉ) expresses its full solidarity and support in favour of the students and workers occupying the Maagdenhuis building - since the Bungehuis had been evicted last week after 11 days of occupation - at the UvA in protest against the authoritarian managing that leads to cuts to the humanities, and against the increasing trends of privatization and commodification of post-secondary education that are ever-present in the Netherlands, in Quebec, and elsewhere.

Disinvestment from the fundamental public service and common good that is postsecondary education highlights a growing trend observable worldwide where the State is increasingly becoming a means to increasing the privileges of a wealthy elite rather than a collective institution intended at ameliorating the wellbeing of society. This trend is especially pernicious when it attacks our Universities, transforming them from a means of transmitting and developing a society’s cultural, scientific and artistic patrimony and developing critical thought into a system that is in service of the neoliberal market.

ASSÉ considers free, quality, secular and emancipatory education to be fundamental to a society where solidarity and social justice are fundamental values. The struggle of the students and workers who did occupy the Bungehuis and do now reclaim the appropriation of the Maagdenhuis is a clear example of why direct resistance to attacks against these values are necessary.

In the context of ASSÉ’s current campaign for the protection of the quality and accessibility of public services including education, we consider your brave struggle to be interconnected with the struggles that we face in Quebec. The same managerial and authoritative style of administration applied at the UvA is present in our own Universities and is in clear opposition to the values that we hold and the vision education that we defend.

We consider that from common attacks stem common struggles, and it is in this spirit that we offer the New University our most sincere support and solidarity. From Quebec to the Netherlands, mobilization for an emancipatory, humanistic, and collective education system must be pursued.

In struggle and solidarity,

Association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante (ASSÉ)

Montreal, Quebec, March 2nd 2015