TOMORROW! Concordia University Senate!

The recent actions of the Board of Governors has lit a fire at Concordia. It seems that faculty, staff, and students, have finally had enough of the excesses of corporate governance - the top-down management, the inefficiencies (read: more than $10 million in payoffs to "departing" executives and managers), the secrecy, the distortions, and the lies.

Tomorrow the Concordia University Senate will meet to discuss these issues, and to put forward motions that will call for the resignation of board members, demand an inquiry into governance at Concordia, and demand that the external membership of the board be diversified to include more than only corporate directors and executives.  Peter Kruyt, a Vice-President of Power Corporation and the chair of the Board of Governors, was invited to this meeting, but after initially accepting the invitation has now refused to show up.

Free Education Montreal is urging everyone who cares about university govern! ance and corporatization to go to this meeting.  It promises to be one of the most important Senate meetings in the history of Concordia.

WHERE: EV 2.260  [map]
WHEN: Friday 2:00pm 21 January 2011

Help make this the beginning of the end of the corporate domination of Concordia!


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