Bonjour camarades,

Des etudiant-e-s de Royaume-Uni envoient leur soutien et solidarié: ci-dessous un déclaration voté lors de leur congrès cette fin de semaine. 

Désolé c'est en anglais. Vous me ferez un signe si vous voulez que on devrait le traduire.


Begin forwarded message:

In the UK,  University and College Union  passed a resolution in support of Quebec students
at their congress this weekend with an overwhelming majority.

Business of the strategy and finance committee

UCU Congress 2012: Saturday 9 June 2012, 16:00-18:00 & Private session, Sunday 10 June 2012, 9:30-11:45

B30 Emergency motion: Student strikes in Quebec

Congress congratulates the students in Quebec for their uncompromising stand and historic movement against increases in student fees. Since mid-April, over 150,000 students have been on unlimited strike and demonstrations of 400 000 students and supporters have taken place in Montreal.

We abhor to actions of the Quebec government, which is refusing to negotiate further and has passed Bill 78, a severe attack on democratic rights which restricts freedom of assembly, protest, picketing, and the right to strike.

We resolve to send a message of solidarity to La CLASSE (Coalition large de l'Association pour une solidarite syndicale etudiante/broad coalition around the student trade union association) and to make a donation of £100 to their urgent call for funds to continue their struggle.