Bonjour à tou-te-s !

Pour celles et ceux que cela pourrait intéresser, Mob Squad Concordia et Free Education Montreal organisent une rencontre de coordination pour la mobilisation sur leur campus. Je crois qu'en dépit du fait que CSU est affilié à la FEUQ, le comité de mob a réussi à préserver une certaine indépendance. De plus, GSA (2e et 3e cycles) est une association indépendante qui a montré des signes fermes de vouloir participer à la grève, et qui cherche à développer ses outils de mob.

Rappelons que Concordia a pu mobiliser près de 3000 personnes pour la dernière manifestation, mais qu'il reste beaucoup de travail à faire pour en arriver à parler de grève plus longue, d'Assemblées générales populeuses et de GGI.

C'est suite à la rencontre d'hier, en présence de militant-e-s de McGill et Concordia ainsi que de certains membres des exécutifs locaux, que je me permets de faire circuler cette invitation en étant très confiant que la venue de gens de l'extérieur est vraiment la bienvenue.

Tou-te-s ensemble vers la GGI !



“The Student Movement at Concordia: Where to Go From Here”

Public Meeting on Strategy and Tactics

Friday/ 5-pm / GSA Lounge, 2030 mackay


This Friday, come together to create a game-plan for Mobilizing around Tuition Hikes at Concordia.

Word on the streets says that an open-ended student strike could be a reality for many schools here in Quebec, as early as February. But Concordia has a long way to go to reach that point. Mobilization has thus far drawn a few thousand students into the movement- but there are thousands more that need to become engaged if Concordia is going to take a hard stance on issues of rising tuition and growing austerity measures in Quebec and beyond.

The  “MOB squad” - a core group of organizers behind mobilization up to and including the November 10th demo, will be meeting to envision what strategy and tactics are necessary for the student movement to become a success here at Concordia. Members of the campus and Montreal community are all strongly encouraged to attend and help develop an action plan for the coming semester.

The issue is complex and multi-faceted, with issues of tuition hikes embodied in everything from corrupt university governance to a growing national and international trend towards austerity and the severing of the public well-being for private profit.

The success of this movement, and the ability of concordia students and community members to protect the integrity of this community we hold so dear, is banking on the an insurgence of  diverse and broad based support and mobilization.

“Activists will be having a short holiday this year,” said political science student and activist, Matthew Brett. “members of the MOB squad are already planning some major actions to hold our university administration and provincial government to account, and we need your creative ideas and energy.”

Please join us this Friday,

and forward this call-out widely.

In Solidarity,

Alex Matak