Début du message réexpédié :
De: Marie-Dominik Langlois <mariedominik@hotmail.com>
Objet: à la recherche d'étudiant-e-s impliqué-e-s dans le mouvement
Date: 3 décembre 2013 21:19:14 HNE

Salut à vous,

Des amis du Cap Breton veulent faire une personne qui était impliquée dans le mouvement étudiant au Québec mais aussi de la situation étudiante en général au Canada.

Les frais d'avion, bouffe, logement seront payés. 

L'activité serait après Noël.

Est-ce que vous ou des personnes que vous connaissez pourraient être intéressé-e-s?



From: kirkus_morrison@hotmail.com
To: mariedominik@hotmail.com
Subject: Quebec Student Protest
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 22:02:06 -0300

Hey Marie Do,

It been awhile, I hope you are doing well.

Meg and I are running the Political Science Society at Cape Breton University and we were wondering if you knew of anyone from the Quebec Student Protest Movement that would be available to speak at an event we are thinking of having after Christmas. We are hoping that we could get an active member that could speak about how the movement came to be and how everything played about, but it would also be nice if they could also speak about tuition rates in Canada and how we are all getting fucked over.

It would involve coming to Cape Breton and we would cover the costs for flights, food, and accommodations. It would be a public event where students,staff,faculty and the community would be welcome. I think if they talked about the current conditions for students across the country, as well as the movement, we might be able to turn it into a fairly large event with much student participation.

I hope you can help us out.

