Bien sûr, ça serait débile si LaTotale pouvait devenir un site de partage
de matériel d'information international!!!
2012/8/18 Comité aux Luttes Sociales <luttessociales(a)>
Bonjour toutes et tous,
Ci dessous les messages d'un militant qui avait organisé le tourné de la
CLASSE en Australie.
Il nous demande par rapport les affiches et tracts qu'on a fait pour notre
campagne. Est-ce l'on peut partager le site latotale avec ces personnes ?
Comité aux luttes sociales
Sent from a mobile device
Begin forwarded message:
*From:* Comité aux Luttes Sociales <luttessociales(a)>
*Date:* 18 August, 2012 1:11:55 PM EDT
*To:* rastafar wounded dog <soundsgoodanytime(a)>om>, "
nicowoodward(a)" <nicowoodward(a)>
*Cc:* Rushdia Mehreen <rushdia(a)>
*Subject:* *Re: Salut !*
Hi Nico,
Nice to hear from you! Yeah, the CEGEPs (colleges) have voted to go back
to classes, for a number of reasons. Some reflection pieces have been
written in French which we are trying to translate to English.
As for supporting us, it'd be great if you can organize something or the
other (a demo, banner drop, press release etc) next Wednesday, the 22nd and
sending messages to us directly, if not via activist/mainstream media.
Hope it's not too much of a last minute request. It's our national day of
demonstration and with CEGEPs going back to classes, some international
support would be a great boost.
As for the posters and flyers, you can find a broad sample at (see materials section) as
well as at
We also have a resource where we share modifiable design files (photoshop,
illustrator etc), but I'm not sure it's available publicly. I'll find out
and let you know.
Best regards,
p.s. please make sure to copy my personal email rushdia(a) as we
don't check the committee email often enough.
Sent from a mobile device
On 2012-08-18, at 2:22 AM, rastafar wounded dog <
soundsgoodanytime(a)> wrote:
Also if it was possible, could you send us some examples of posters and
fliers you have been using? We're preparing a 0% fee increase campaign as a
initial demand in our campaign against the government. Any materials you
could send would be awesome.
* *
** <> for all you
travellors. check it out, definately worth it
Begin forwarded message:
*From:* rastafar wounded dog <soundsgoodanytime(a)>
*Date:* 18 August, 2012 1:14:01 AM EDT
*To:* <luttessociales(a)>
*Subject:* *RE: Salut !*
Hi Rushdia, Yea My father contacted nastaran when he was in montreal
earlier in the year. I have just helped organise a speaking tour of our
country of Guillaume Legault who was the national coordinator of CLASSE I
believe. It was very informative for us. I am part of the group Blockade
the Budget in Auckland and we have been fighting the governments neoliberal
attacks on students. It has been inspiring to see the mobilisations that
CLASSE has achieved, but I understand that many GA's have voted to end the
strike. What are your hopes for the future?
Thankyou for contacting me. Is there anything that we can do from here,
that would help support CLASSE?
Also I use multiple emails, If you could contact my nicowoodward(a)gmail.comemail that
would help keep my communication simple.
Many thanks
* *
** <> for all you
travellors. check it out, definately worth it
Subject: Fwd: Salut !
From: luttessociales(a)
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2012 00:33:15 -0400
CC: rushdia(a); nastadaniali(a)
To: soundsgoodanytime(a)
My name is Rushdia and I'm a member of CLASSE's Social Struggles
committee. Nastaran gave me you email saying that you're interested in
keeping in touch with us. This is great!
I'm sending this shirt note to initiate contact with you for now. In the
near future we'll work to have something more streamlined so people from
outside of Quebec/Canada can be in touch more regularly.
Let's keep in touch.
Sent from a mobile device
Begin forwarded message:
*From:* Nastaran Daniali <nastadaniali(a)>
*Date:* 9 August, 2012 1:16:36 AM EDT
*To:* Rushdia(a)
*Subject:* *Salut !*
Salut Rushdia !
2 choses. D'abord, voici le contacte d'un militant étudiant de
Nouvelle-Zélande. Il est le fils d'un ami à ma mère. Il suit de près notre
mouvement de grève depuis le début. De ce que j'ai compris, il voudrait
obtenir de l'info régulière sur l'évolution des évènements ici. Aussi,
voici une autres séries de contacts, venant de Taiwan cette-fois. Eux-aussi
apparemment voudrait être mis en contacte directe avec des militant-e-s de
la Classe. De plus, c'est également enrichissant pour nous que d'en
connaitre davantage sur les luttes étudiantes ailleurs via des contactes
directes comme ceux-là.
__________________________________________Liste asse-support.
Liste de discution de l'Association pour une Solidarité Syndicale
Étudiante (ASSÉ)