Veuillez voir ci-dessous pour les détails d'un action de solidarité avec
l'occupation contre Ligne 9. Le demo aura lieu demain. Malheureusement le
call-out est seulement en anglais et je n'ai pas le temps pour le le passe à vous quand-même.
En sol,
Wednesday, June 26
Roddick Gates (Sherbrooke and McGill College)
Since June 20, the site of the North Westover Pump Station—located in the
Beverly Swamp, near Hamilton, Ontario—has been occupied by a diverse
group of land defenders. This action has obstructed, and continues to
obstruct, pipeline transport company Enbridge from carrying out work that
is necessary to reverse the flow of oil along Line 9 a pipeline
that extends from Sarnia, Ontario, to the oil refineries in Montréal-Est.
In other words, the occupiers are engaged in direct action to defend the
sovereignty of indigenous nations and the drinking water of millions of
people; they are also putting themselves at serious risk of repression by
the colonial Canadian state.
In response to the occupiers' call for solidarity actions, we are
organizing a demonstration in Montréal on Wednesday, June 26, to
distribute information and inform people here about the situation in the
Beverly Swamp. We will gather at 10:30 am at McGill University's Roddick
Gates (located at the intersection of rue Sherbrooke and avenue McGill
College). Bring banners, flags, boomboxes, and whatever else! We will
have bilingual flyers to distribute to pedestrians, but feel free to write
your own.
This demonstration, of course, will not stop the capitalist exploitation
and development of the Athabasca tar sands in Alberta. It's pretty clear
that the struggle to defend the land requires, among other things, a
willingness to employ direct action and a willingness to take risks. It's
also pretty clear that settlers, including those who think of themselves as
radicals, tend to demonstrate such willingness much less frequently than
indigenous people. This needs to change. Settlers need to be willing to put
their bodies on the line if they want to stand in real Solidarity with
Indigenous land defenders, instead of watching them feel the brunt force of
the state from a safe distance.
So let's meet each other, start talking to one another, get organized, and
start fighting from our own region, in solidarity with our Indigenous
hosts, just as our comrades are currently doing in the Beverly Swamp.
For more information on the ongoing occupation, check out<…
For more info on line 9
check out<…<…
Les pipelines ne passeront pas! See you on Wednesday!